To check malwar, use the free and online malware scanner. You can find malware on your page by entering the full URL of your website and redirect it to the virus check page by Google. By logging in to this page, you will notice that your page or website is secure. Google will give you a report that the virus check tool is from the past 90 days to now. By Google, the virus testing tool has the ability to scan websites and users for it, and provide Web site reports. This free virus finder, when you open a page, shows you that the content is malicious or has a suspicious script.
Speed Checkup Tools
Check the speed of the webpage with different browsers and locations
Uptime Checkup Tools
Check the uptime status of the website, server and services
DNS Checkup Tools
A specialized tool to check the status of a DNS website instantly and online
SEO Checkup Tools
Review the site's SEO and compare SEO with rival sites
WHOIS Checkup Tools
Check the status of the domain and display its account profile
IP Checkup Tools
Check the uptime status of the website, server and services
SSL Checkup Tools
checks the SSL/TLS configuration and decode SSL/CSR in PEM format
Google Malware Checker
URL Encoder / Decoder
Link Analyzer
Image Optimizer
JS Minifier