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As a webmaster, you need to keep track of the server status of your web sites on a permanent and regular basis. No one really wants to hear from your site visitor that the site does not work! To avoid this situation, you can check the status of the server on this page online and free and find out about the status of your server.
Speed Checkup Tools
Check the speed of the webpage with different browsers and locations
Uptime Checkup Tools
Check the uptime status of the website, server and services
DNS Checkup Tools
A specialized tool to check the status of a DNS website instantly and online
SEO Checkup Tools
Review the site's SEO and compare SEO with rival sites
WHOIS Checkup Tools
Check the status of the domain and display its account profile
IP Checkup Tools
Check the uptime status of the website, server and services
SSL Checkup Tools
checks the SSL/TLS configuration and decode SSL/CSR in PEM format
Whois Checker
Wordpress Theme Detector
Page Authority Checker
Backlink Checker
Article Rewriter