Enter your HTML code to compress:
Add up to 10 multiple HTML files (Size Limit: 2MB per file)
This online HTML compression tool will save space in your HTML files and make them much smaller by doing the following: Removing text line breaks from the code Removing tab spaces Replacing double spaces with single spaces There is also the option to not compress the head of the HTML document. If you have javascript code written directly in the HTML head then leaving it not compressed is probably best as compression could stop the javascript from working properly. Using this tool or similar can result in a nice reduction in html file size. It's especially a good practice to compress html if you run a website or service that requires a lot of bandwidth.
Speed Checkup Tools
Check the speed of the webpage with different browsers and locations
Uptime Checkup Tools
Check the uptime status of the website, server and services
DNS Checkup Tools
A specialized tool to check the status of a DNS website instantly and online
SEO Checkup Tools
Review the site's SEO and compare SEO with rival sites
WHOIS Checkup Tools
Check the status of the domain and display its account profile
IP Checkup Tools
Check the uptime status of the website, server and services
SSL Checkup Tools
checks the SSL/TLS configuration and decode SSL/CSR in PEM format
Check GZIP compression
Search Engine Spider Simulator
Code Difference Comparison Tool
Webpage Screen Resolution Simulator
Image Optimizer